If not now, then when? Time to take real action on that side hustle idea

Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps those moments when your chest is tightening at the thought of facing someone in your workplace or the anxiety that rushes through your body when your alarm goes off on a Monday morning or those Sunday night blues could be signs from your body trying to wake you from a trace of a mundane routine that no longer serves you? Somewhere along the line, someone or perhaps many people, including the media, sold us a lie. They told us that if we go out, work hard and do what needs to be done then we will earn an honest living and be able to follow the status quo of buying external possessions to fit in with the other people our surrounding environment. What they failed to mention was that we are creative beings. We have these things inside of us called desire, longings, passions, and purposes that are dying to be expressed in and through us. There is a place in every human being that lights up when they talk about what they love. Be it their partner, kids, a holiday, a hobby or cause that they passionately believe in. We all have in us an inspiring, attractive, deeply connected purpose that no matter how hard we try to ignore at times in our life, keeps bubbling to the surface. What if, in this lifetime your reason for being on planet earth had nothing to do with how much you earn or what house you buy or even what clothes you wear. What if your mission was to find what you love and follow it with all of your heart? We are lucky to be living in a day and age where this acceptable. Yes, maybe it still feels a little bit counterculture or out of reach but it is being done and great things are happening. My desire with StartUp Creative is to help you do just this. To turn your passion into a viable business model. I am aware there are many limitations, past conditioning, peer and societal pressures to do otherwise, but you must know that it truly is possible. You are capable of turning your passion into your career. It may not be overnight, in-fact likely to not be. But if you want it bad enough, that little idea in the back of your head that you will ‘one day’ do something with, can come to its fullest potential if you dare to take the risk. So here is my question for you.How long are you prepared to sit in the discomfort of knowing that you are not living your fullest potential in this lifetime? What would it take for you to finally back yourself?Are you prepared to take massive action in the direction of your dreams so you can come to the end of your life and say, I gave it all I had! If you’re sitting there procrastinating, hesitating and feeling all the tight feels in your body from ‘inaction’ now is the time to do something! Just start. You don’t know what is on the other side but you do know that taking one step into the unknown, can no longer be as painful as sitting still and doing nothing. Need help starting? Let me help. Option One: 1:1 Business Coaching with Kaylene, 1 hour together to nut out your ideas, dreams, and goals and then make a solid and actionable plan to bring it all to life. You will go home inspired, prepared and full of clarity on how to make your dreams a reality.  Click here for March bookings. Option Two: 4-week Coaching Academy. Be 1 of 10 startups at the very early stages of starting their business and together we will validate your idea and skill you with all the essential startup tips, tricks, tools, advice, resources, and tech to help you get your business up and running in just 4-weeks. Includes 4 x 1-hour live training with Kaylene + other experts as well as a tailored 1:1 session with Kaylene at the end of the four weeks. *Limited spaces* Join here Option Three: 3-month intensive coaching package with Kaylene. 6 x 1-hour sessions over 3 or 6 months plus in-between support to ensure you stay on track, are taking action every day, surrounded by all the resources, support and quick solutions to make your dreams a reality. Together we develop a tailored plan to launch, grow or scale your business. Consider it like a short term co-founder who has your back, will keep you motivated and help you solve all the unexpected problems that businesses throw your way.  1 package left for this half of the year. Get in touch for more info. 


5 signs you’re ready to bring your side hustle to the front


So you want to start a business in 2019? Here are three simple steps to help you on your way.