I know that there is a lot going on in the world right now. I’ve personally felt the effects of the recent referendum results in Australia and the devastating daily news of what is happening to innocent people in the Middle East.

Off the back of the two year pandemic and recent economic crisis, the everyday struggle of managing a business, let alone our individual mental health seems to be getting harder. Being a freelancer, small business or entrepreneur right now can at times feel a little trivial in comparison to the state of the world when there are so many who are worse off than us.

Remember that business, like any endeavour we choose to embark on will always present us with highs and lows that we must encounter, endure and overcome. It at times (like now) can feel exhausting, impossible and deflating and you may find yourself wanting to give up. For some that will be the necessary and the most practical decision in order to meet their basic needs and protect their wellbeing and that is fair enough. But if you’ve still got a little fight in you, now is the time to hang on, dig deep and give it all that you’ve got. Exhaustion can’t last forever, everything in life comes in cycles and while it may feel dark and gloomy right now, know that there are lessons to be learnt in this flame that will strengthen and equip you for the journey ahead when the clouds begin to clear.

Tips for riding the storm

Focus on your relationships, networks and kinships

I’m currently reading Tyson Yunkaportas new book ‘Right Story, Wrong Story’ where he shares stories of difference and finding commonality which I’m finding incredibly grounding with everything going on right now. He talks about the power of kinship, relationships and community networks and how they would be the most valuable assets in an apocalypse. I felt that to be true and in my personal heartbreak of watching the fallout from the recent Voice to Parliament, I felt an immense peace in knowing that I am in a loving relationship with my new Fiancé (had to slip that in) and am surrounded by a supportive community who genuinely care. When so many people are acting from lack and scarcity, connection and community are powerful tools to help heal ourselves and the world.

Reflect on how far you’ve come

This year has presented setbacks, challenges, failures and confusion. When we’re stuck in the mud with no clear path out it can be hard to believe that the hard times will ever end. This morning I took some time to journal on all of the things that I have achieved this year no matter how small. Even though the hard days seem to have outnumbered the good, there are things sprinkled in there to celebrate and the years not over yet.

What you focus on expands

I’ve just returned from two weeks offline traveling around Japan. Since being home for a few short days, I’ve noticed how different time is passing by. While travelling, the days felt long and drawn out, like I could fit so much into them and time felt abundant. At home, I’ve felt the opposite; like time is flying by, I’m running out of it and a growing sensation of not having done enough with it. On reflection, I wonder if it has something to do with the level of presence we give time? When we have no where to be and we aren’t focused on it, time seems to expand and become full with infinite possibilities of where the day could take us. The more we focus on the metrics; the clock, calendar, likes, followers, bank balances—the less we have. I know there isn’t a lot we can do to tap out of the metrics in our modern lives, but it was a nice reminder that things aren't always as they seem and that our focus can alter our perception.

Give yourself permission to be happy

While taking time off to travel was a much needed break and reset for me personally, I couldn't help but feel guilty for my privilege to be able to do so. Let alone the joy I felt from being engulfed in love with my partner. There were times that I considered keeping it to myself and down playing our happiness. Until a few friends and some internet connections who were following along at home shared with us how the silly little stories were a nice break in their social media feeds of pain and suffering. It’s since got me reflecting on how powerful love is and how it can inspire hope in others. It might feel like a hard time to share your wins, happiness and businesses but when done with a genuine and authentic voice, you may never know how far it may travel to someone who needs to hear/see it. Keep sharing the good, the world needs it now more than ever.

Rise above the collective feels

There is a lot of anger and hostility in the world and on the internet right now. While some of it is necessary and serves a purpose to fight against injustices and bring about change, it also has the potential to damage our health and closest relationships without us even realising. I’m personally monitoring my news intake and balancing painful and difficult conversations about the state of the world and our role in helping with finding joy and lightness in the present moment with my closet friends and family. I recently watched Pete Davidson deliver a moving message on SNL last week which helped me to acknowledge all the pain and suffering while not letting it consume us fully.

Reconnect with your why

If you’ve found yourself existing in Groundhog Day of late, now might be a good time to consider ‘why’ you started your business in the first place. I know it can sound a little cliche and basic but as entrepreneurs it can be really easy to get caught in the ‘doing’ in your business that we forget to look at the bigger picture. I suggest going deep on this process, beyond what you do and really consider why you do it. Who needs what you have to offer and how will it really help them? Why do you want to offer the product/service/solution beyond the money, status or personal gain? I find this personally helps me to give my work meaning and inspires my creativity. I expand more on this here.

Take care of your physical and mental health

It feels very clear to me right now that we all co-exist in a collective energy field. What we think and feel resonates out from us and when faced with such significant and devastating world news that causes us to think and feel so deeply around the world, we can’t help but absorb the denseness that ultimately drains our energy. Don’t forget to take time out to nourish your physical health with movement and mental health with screen breaks or whatever is right for you.

Ask for help

Don’t forget to reach out to people around you and ask for a chat, some company or outside perspective. Life and business can be hard and you don’t have to come up with all the answers or inspiration by yourself. We’re all in this together so don’t forget to stay connected, check in with one another and outsource some of the mental load where you can.


Get in touch if I can help in anyway or visit for more resources to help you ride the highs and lows right now.


Running a Purpose Driven Business
